Jesus Speaks of the People who Shared His Journey
The book is about people who lived historically, but the stories are less about the picture of their lives and more about the emotions they might have experienced. Each chapter focuses on the growth of a particular person and each chapter is complete within itself with a specific theme. The end of each chapter has a worksheet with questions, designed to bring the ideas from the book into the reader’s everyday life in a meaningful way.
"Unlike any other book I've read that just talks 'about' Jesus – this one felt more like I was part of a hypothetical personal interview with Jesus and all the biblical people who actually 'knew Him…' The Q&A worksheet at the end of each chapter was so useful – it helped me to change my own outlook by incorporating meaningful ideas from each of its short stories, and it’s hard to find the kind of honesty that is exhibited by this author where she shares how her own life has also been greatly influenced by the book's messages. This book did more in helping me to understand my own spirituality and to question my perspective on life than anything else I've read, enabling me to make some long-awaited positive changes. A must-read for anyone who has questions about their own faith and beliefs and the part the church plays today in their life…"
— A Prolific Book Reader near Illinois, an Amazon Review
ISBN: 978-84694-292-1
Pub Date: May 28, 2010
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